MA Education Code 6573 Solved Quiz Autumn 2022

 1. Most of the conflicts of the world are due to....

a. population pressure

b. population

c. population resources

d. population decrease

2. The success of family planning, maternal and child health program is based on:

a. population pressure

b. population statistics

c. population resources

d. population decrease

3. Population increases of a region, when there is sufficient supply of

a. Land

b. All

c. No environmental danger

d. Food

4. Through family planning and MCH strategies the population

growth can be

a. increased

b. ehnahnced

c. decreased

d. slowed down

5. Population Education may be defined as educational process where individuals learns the major challenges concerning to-

a. knowledge

b. Population

c. learning

d. Study

6. According to a survey the women employment percentage in
Pakistan was
a. 4%
c. 38%
d. 5-10%

7. In which the Family Planning Association of Pakistan on NGO efforts to contain population growth............

a. 1952

b. 1954

c. 1955

d. 1953

8. This Approach involves the preparation of teaching units to be added to an existing unit in the course of the subject area which is used as a carrier of population education.

a. Basic Approach

b. Sub-unitApproach

c. Infusion Approach

d. Permeation Approach

9. In Pakistan marriage age of male and female years is

a. 20 & 18

b.16 & 14

c. 18 & 16

d. 18 & 18

10. Increase in Population Can decrease the
opportunities of....
 (Ans:- both a and b.)
 11. the only Muslim country with positive
participation of Molanas among population
Ans:- Pakistan
12. whose education couse more decline in fertility.
(Ans:- Female)
13. Most of the conflthe major sources of data
collection in census except 
(Ans:- Survey)

14. The first phase (1983-1986) was focused on
the program of curriculum revision and
development for .. 
(Ans:- Primary Schools)
15. Census method include
(Ans:- Collecting
compiling and publishing the demographic data of population)
16. Which of the following policy reposition family planning as a health initiative with a focus on material heath. 
(Ans:- 2001)
17. What are HRD minister full form. 
(Ans:- C=
Human Resources Development)
18. In Bangladesh ..........scholars were in involved
for population education in early 90s and results
been very encouraging
Ans:- Religion
19. Whose education cause more decline in
(Ans:- Female)
20. Presence of an unmarried girls over the age of 16 years considered as the sign of poverty in____
(Ans:- Indonesia)
21. Population increases of a region when there is sufficient supply of 
(Ans:- food)
22. The goals of development may be achieved by
keeping in view the present population situation
and its
 (Ans:- growth )
23. Which one of the following is not true about
the status of Asian woman
Ans:- (Women are employed in agriculture sector )
 24. The training modal involves a linear pettern in which the trainers and the trainees are both on the same level 
(Ans:- peer-training modal)
25. In 1981 the literacy rate of male and female
in Pakistan was .. 
(40% and 19%)
26. Population education may define as
educational process where individual learns the
major challenges concerning to. 
(Ans:- population)
27. According to 2008 Revision the world
population expected to rise in Total of 9.1 Billion in
(Ans:- 2050)
28. The Success of family planning. Maternal and
child health program is based on... 
(Ans:- Population decrease)
29. For the planning to be effective, it is essential that population growth rate is compatible to available.
(Ans:- recourses)
30. The carrying capacity of population is
determined by its 
(Ans:- resources)
31. Family planning only survives for which
(Ans:- reduce the population growth)
32. Census method include.
(Ans:- Collecting compiling and publishing the demographic data of population)
33. There are 103 million people below the ...age
of Pakistan. 
(Ans:- 25 years)
34. Following factor (s) effect (s) fertility.
(Ans:- both of these two)
35. A population is a group of
(Ans:- individual in a species)
36. FPAP abreviated for. 
(Ans:- family planning association of Pakistan)
37. High rates of population increase environmental 
(Ans:- issues)
38. Moving of population from rural areas towards urban areas is called. 
(Ans:- Urbanization)
39. The idea of population was first conveyed in....
By Alva Myrdal in her book. 

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